We will add anwers to your questions to this page all the way until the seminar. Don't hesitate to ask!
Blood tracking tests (MEJÄ)
It is possible for foreign dogs to participate in official blood tracking tests in Finland. All the tests organized by different clubs in Finland during the test season can be found in the test calendar of the Finnish Kennel Club: https://omakoira.kennelliitto.fi/Tapahtumakalenteri/frmTapahtumakalenteri.aspx?Lang=ENG
You can enter by choosing the test you are interested in and following the given instructions.
Cold game field trials (NOME-B)
It is possible for foreign dogs to participate in official cold game field trial tests if they have passed the field qualifiation test or if they have results from similars tests in their home country. All the tests organized by different clubs in Finland during the test season can be found in the Test Calendar of the Finnish Retriever Association: http://koekalenteri.snj.fi
There are three classes: beginner, open and winner. All game is so called cold game, stored in a freezer and then melted to the room temperature for the test. Most commonly crows, seagulls, pheasants, rabbits and waterfowl is used. Tasks might include marks (single, double, rarely triple depending on the class) to both water and land, blinds (may be to water or to land or both) and free search. In addition in the beginner class for the best dogs there is also a track made with a rabbit.
There are some examples of the tasks: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=86IA_4L9xHw, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cwTnB9HUeb4 (beginner class), http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qrRxfYMEgfU (open class), http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QpzTFKroJLI (winner class)
You can enter using the Test Calendar. Before you enter please make sure that you have necessary results to participate by contacting the test secretary.
Do I have to pay the seminar fee?
Yes, if you overnight at Tuorla
Yes, if you want to attend a lecture
No, if you want to watch the show or the tests
No, if you are under 12 years old
How to become a Finnish Champion
More information on the Finnish champion titles and regulations can be found here.
There are two ways to take care of the payments:
Payment Method 1:
via Curly Coated Retriever Club of Finland’s bank account:
FI34 1014 3000 2098 62 (Swift NDEAFIHH), reference number 20022
(you can 20022 for all payments or use the individual reference numbers)
Payment Method 2:
via Curly World Seminar’s PayPal account:
email address kirstu@kiharakerho.net
NB! Please choose 'payer pays the fee' or add 7% to your total sum to cover the costs.
Curly Coated Retriever Club of Finland must receive all the payment in full. Otherwise it is concidered that the payment is unpaid and the entry unvalid.