How to become a Finnish Champion
Champion (FI MVA)
At least three certificates at a Finnish dog show under three different judges. At least one of these certificates must be won after the dog is over 24 month old. Possible breed-specific trial result requirements will also have to be met. This change enters into force on 1.6.2011.
Results achieved in breed-specific trials in the Nordic countries will be accepted for a dog owned/managed by a Finn as trial results required for the FI MVA title.
Tracking Champion (FI JVA)
A dog will be awarded the Tracking Champion title once it has won three first prizes in the Champion class tracking trial for hunting dogs from at least two different judges. In addition, the dog must have received at least the grading of good at a dog show at the minimum age of 15 months.
Working Champion (FI KVA)
The dog must have received at least the grading of good at a dog show at the minimum age of 15 months. Possible breed-specific trial result requirements will also have to be met. Working trial results required for the Finnish Kennel Club's working champion titles must always be earned in Finland.
Working Champion titles in working dog trials
3 x 1st prize in the same type of highest-class working or rescue dog trial (IPOR) or at least the grading very good with at least 90% of the maximum score over at least two different calendar years and from at least two different judges.
Nordic Working Champion (POHJ KVA)
A dog, which has already achieved a Working Champion title through trials or competitions in three different Nordic countries (Finland, Sweden, Norway, Iceland or Denmark), will be awarded a Nordic Working Champion title in the trial in question. The Nordic Working Champion title can be applied for from 1.1.2010 onwards. Champion titles awarded prior to this date will be accepted as the dog's achievements.
Nordic Champion (POHJ MVA)
A dog, which has received a National Champion title in three different Nordic countries (Finland, Sweden, Norway, Iceland or Denmark), will be awarded a Nordic Champion title. Champion titles awarded prior to 1.1.2008 will be accepted as the dog's achievements.
Obedience Champion (FI TVA)
A dog is awarded the Obedience Champion title once it has won 3 x 1st prize in the special winner class in obedience trial from at least two different judges as well as achieved at least the quality grading good at a dog show.
In addition
Trial results required for a Champion title and the dog show results required for the other champion titles can also be achieved in the other Nordic countries.
A dog, which has achieved a National Champion title in any other country after it is over 24 month, is only required to achieve one certificate in Finland as well as to meet the possible additional requirements. A certificate it may have achieved in Finland while under the age of 24 months counts towards the title of Finnish Champion. This change takes effect as of 1.1.2011.
An overseas trial result of a dog owned / managed by a foreigner will count as a trial result required for the FI MVA title only if it has been awarded in a trial arranged by an FCIrecognised kennel club that corresponds with a breed-typical trial required of the breed in Finland. An FCI-approved Working Class Certificate (WCC) of the trial result must be enclosed with the application to the Finnish Kennel Club.
A dog, which has already achieved another country's Champion title in a trial or competition event, is only required to achieve one highest-class Finnish result in the same discipline as well as to meet possible additional requirements.
Finnish and International Champion titles must be applied to in writing from the Finnish Kennel Club. Applications for foreign Champion titles are made to the kennel club of the country in question. This change takes effect as of 1.1.2005.
Any working dog breed can achieve a Finnish Champion title with the following Swedish or Norwegian trial results: ”GK lkl, uppfl. hkl” or ”tjänstehundcert”, ”gk bruksprov -kvalifikation vid draghundsprov”, ”gk vallhundsprov vid lokalprov”. Other acceptable trial results: IPO trial or SchH trial.
Special requirements for retrievers
Pass in retriever aptitude trial (field qualification test) in Finland or in retriever hunt trial in Sweden or Norway.
3 x NOME-B VOI-1, at least one of which from a game trial. Prizes must be earned from at least two different judges. In addition, at least NKM-1 or VOI-3 earned NOME-A trial in Finland.
3 x CERT (CACIT and (R)CACIT will also be accepted) from NOME-A trial in Finland or from an international trial (NOME-KV) in Finland or abroad. At least one prize must be achieved in Finland.
![]() | finnishchampiontitleregulations.pdf (78 kB) Finnish Champion Title Regulations 2012 |
Please note, that what comes to the special requirements of retrievers for C.I.B. title, the document is not up-to-date. At the moment this special requirement is as follows: "The breeds of that group must have passed a hunting test on live game, in which the CACT (Certificat d'Aptitude au Championnat national) is competed for."